Fragrant Himalayan Holly is an evergreen tree, 5-7 m
tall; bark brownish grey, smooth, covered with white streaks. Leaves
are elliptic-oblong, lanceshaped or oblong-lanceshaped, 3-8 x 1.5-3 cm,
tip pointed to shortly tapering, with a tail 5-17 mm long, margin
sawtoothed, leathery, shining above, pale below, base narrow,
wedge-shaped; lateral nerves 7-9 pairs, slender; leaf-stalks about 0.7
cm long, channelled; stipules 2, 0.5-0.75 mm long, falling off. Male
flowers are borne in leaf-axils, in corymb-like cymes. Flowers are
4-5-merous, white; bracts small, falling off. Flower-cluster-stalks
0.5-3 mm long, flower-stalks 1-4 mm long. Sepal-cup is 1.75-2 mm broad;
lobes ovate, rounded, triangular. Petals oblong-lanceshaped, 2.5-3 x
1-2 mm, united below. Stamens are longer than petals; anthers
ellipsoid. Female inflorescence is fascicled or crowded on short in
leaf-axils branches; flower-stalks 2-6 mm long, Staminodes shorter than
petals. Fruits are stalked, spherical or ovoid, 4-6 mm across,
red-brown to black when ripe, rugose. Fragrant Himalayan Holly is found
in the Himalayas and Vietnam, at altitudes of 1000-1500 m. Flowering: